Tuesday, December 4, 2007


OK, I’ll admit it. It is December of 2007 and I’m already sick of the ’08 elections. With the Writer’s strike, not having the Daily Show, Colbert, or Bill Maher means that it’s all news and no jokes. If this strike isn’t settled soon, I may go mad.

So down to business...

An open letter to all Democrats,

I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. I’m very sorry, but I just will not vote for her. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Bill Clinton basher. Thought he was a fine president. It’s time to move on though. Time for a change. I don’t want to see anymore presidents named Clinton or Bush. The Country needs to look ahead, not to the past.

I say this because, as an independent, I don’t think I’m alone in this. If you nominate this person, you will blow your best shot at the White House in years. Stop thinking she is the most qualified. She isn’t. Being first lady doesn’t count. I don’t have experience in my wife’s profession even though we’ve been married over 12 years. It just doesn’t count. If you want the most qualified person, it’s probably Joe Biden, but nobody pays him any attention.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am not piling on Hillary just to pile on. I think there are a lot of people out there that just hate her for little to no reason. I am not one of them. I don’t hate her; I just don’t want her to be president. If you want to attract independents, pick someone else.


The Angry Moderate


Anonymous said...

Hear here.

It worries me that this critical election is being covered by the MSM as a sporting event. There are no discussions of ideas. The voters are being deprived of information and critical analysis of what the candidates have to say. We get sound bites and cynical wise cracks but no discussion.

And spare us the blather of CNN/MSNBC and the traditional networks. It's a real shame that CNN has become the dumbest channel on television. Remember when CNN meant news, real news. Now it is infotainment at its dumbest.


Hillary - never. She wants it too badly. There is something too calculating and chilling about her. I have the feeling she doesn't act according to judgment but by calculation. She has limited experience in managing and governing large groups of diverse interests. BTW, have you noticed how she's looking really tired, strained and old? She better check that portrait in the actic.

I hope the writers' strike settles soon or I will be reduced to getting my news from Doonesbury. Oh well, better late than never.

Saturday, December 1, 2007 - 10:16 PM

Anonymous said...

I can't remember being so worn out with Talking Heads with their yak-yak-yak about every little boring development concerning the campaign. I can't stay in the same room with a TV on that has a program like that blaring away.

Tune me in about mid-summer.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 - 09:37 AM

Anonymous said...

That's it? That's your reason? Because here last name is Clinton and you don't think other independents will vote for her? These don't strike me as very good reasons.

Here are some of mine:
1) She won't get anything done as President because the Republicans are so used to attacking her and diminshing her credibility it's like shooting fish in a barrel stuffed with dead fish. And while I normally approve of Presidents not doing anything ("most vacation days" is the best thing this President ever did) we really need some actual changes to occur to clean up the power mad mess of Bobo.
2) I don't think she'll actaully disavow the powers of the presidency that Bobo claimed to have. If it takes a village, then being the chief without limits would sure make things easier.
3) She goes along with Bobo too often. If Bush thinks something is a good idea, then maybe you should think about it some more. No, a little more. (warentless wiretapping, Patriot Act, leaving troops in Iraq)
4) Her positive views on govenrment censorship. For example, see her views on having the government regulate the video game industry's ratings system.

On the other hand if was Clinton v. Giuliani, better the devil you know...
than a psychotic who thinks torturing is fun, that thinks 9/11 showed how tough he was (so tough that he couldn't be bothered to show up for any Iraq Study Group meetings, cementing even more the lack of a link between Iraq and 9/11), and who will expand the powers of the president to such a degree that I'll be executed for writing this at exactly the same time a crown made of the wrekage of the girders of the World Trade Ceneter is lowered onto his head.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 - 01:02 PM

Anonymous said...

I feel all worn out from the last Virginia State election. I just can't get myself up for all of the mud slinging and reckless attacks yet to come.

I recently found myself talking with a high level Bush appointee at a party. He was lamenting the gridlock in Washington. He felt that even reasonable middle of the road compromises were totally unattainable in this political climate. He was looking to leave before the end of the Bush catastrophe...err.. presidency.

I think that a Hillary Clinton administration would just engender more of the same. We need a new direction in this Country. We need to take this great land back from the extremists on the left and the right. We need moderates and progressives to stand up and let our voices be heard. There are a lot more of us than them.

Let 2008 be the year of the Angry Moderate.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 - 06:58 PM

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nathan that electing her will condemn us to at least four more years of listening to the Republicans and their war on the Clintons. It will give them a devil to go after and it will empower the conservatives once again. As Obama said, who wants to relive the 90's? Not me. If I have to live through more of the harping and right wing carping, I will leave the country. (Oh heck, I want to leave anyway.) I happen to adore Bill Clinton but I will not vote for his wife. I don't see her qualifications and I sure as heck am not going to vote for her just because she is a woman. How presumptuous on that point. And put your seat belts on because Jeb Bush is hungry to be the President too. Since when did the Presidency become a two family office? Why we ever elected anyone named Bush is beyond my comprehension? I say defenestrate them all and bring in new blood.

I dream of the day I can vote FOR someone and not against someone.

This needs to move to blogger. But watch out for the whackos.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 - 11:03 PM

Anonymous said...

As the founding member of the Belgium Chapter of The Radical Center, I feel like I have arrived in Mecca or at the very least Anne Arundel County. I only hear about the elections from the BBC and Yahoo! News so my perception of what's happening back in DC may be slightly askew. My understanding is that so far the Republicans have had some problems coming up with someone who has a presidential sounding name and will criminalize all mortal sins. The Democrats meanwhile squabble among themselves like they're on a playground, "Barack, you're so immature." "No I'm NOT!!!!" At this point, I may go out of my way to stay in Europe for a few more years. Now, if I can only figure out how to get paid in Euros....P.S. Marsha, spectacular use of defenestration and voting, the historical linkage is not lost on me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - 04:55 AM